@ Lauraglentemose Aktiv
Insights in my experiences, travels in South America alone - & secrets.
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Back in Business

Been a bit offline but want to start posting more personal stuff here again.
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MEGET eksklusivt indhold bag kulissen

Work week in Skagen is crazy


Mood for starting at my new job today!


These were the times in Spain!

MEGET eksklusivt indhold bag kulissen

Back in business

Been having some crazy things happening and now I finally moved into my new place. Still organizing and getting everything sorted! This is me in the mess after waking up from three days in a row with night shifts. Have a lovely Easter 🐣
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Next days like this

Need to get a lot of things sold and it literally takes forever with underwear/bikinis and sports clothes. This is how I will spend the next 4 days. Organizing and selling out
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How much weight I’ve lost in 2 months and breakfast

Im pretty impressed that I've managed to lose that much weight even though I've been on the road and travelled so much. The last two months since I realized, I've been working out when I could - and then just thought more about what I've been eating (and I didn't drink alcohol for 6 weeks) Are you ready to follow my journey back to being fit? See my results from my Lenus app here!
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24/32 hours of travelling

Here I am 🤍 So far so good
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Excited!!! 32 hours lets go

9 / 30 posts